Sunday, November 30, 2008

Tomorrow is December

Well, Christmas is coming and I'm finished decorating (although my deck lights are acting finicky) and my shopping and Christmas cards are done but I still have to wrap the presents and that's my least favorite Christmas "chore." I'm feeling semi-organized but that could change at a moment's notice depending on what else comes up for me to do. Right now I'm preparing a talk on the Holy Ghost for a baptism this week and my Relief Society lesson for next Sunday. It's on "Finding Joy in our Lives" with an emphasis on joy through service. I'm giving each sister an angel ornament to remind them to be angels to others.

We had an unexpectedly nice Thanksgiving even though both the boys went elsewhere (Joshua to Lily's mom's and Jeremy to a friend's). We invited two single sisters (one an investigator) over for Thanksgiving and really enjoyed spending time with them. One of them brought a "Frozen Lemonade Pie" which was absolutely yummy! It's made with frozen lemonade, sweetened condensed milk and whipped cream in a graham cracker crust and frozen. Try it, you'll like it. I made a really good layered jello/fruit salad (more like dessert) - Bottom layer: lemon jello mixed with pineapple juice, crushed pineapple, cream cheese and melted marshmallows; Top layer: raspberry jello mixed with raspberries. I also have found a wonderful recipe for brussel sprouts (if you like brussel sprouts and I do). You fry some bacon, take it out of the pan and chop it up. Then you saute the cut in 1/2 brussel sprouts in the bacon grease for a few minutes, add chicken stock, cover and let cook a few more minutes. You take the lid off and let the stock reduce and then add heavy cream and let that reduce. You serve with the chopped bacon. Just reading the recipe will make you gain weight, but man is it good!

Last week was very busy, rewarding, but also frustrating. We had 3 families in the ward that needed food orders so I got them prepared and to the bishop to approve and sign on Monday. Then, because none of the sisters have cars, I picked them all up on Tuesday to drive them over to the bishop's storehouse to pick up their orders. Two of the sisters (one was the investigator we had to dinner) were great but the other one wanted more stuff once we got to the storehouse so they kept asking me to approve one more thing. I didn't really want to because her order was already big and I knew the bishop didn't want her to get too much but it was hard to tell her no in front of all the people there (she probably figured that out) so I let her have what she wanted. And, although, her previous food order had been huge, she had made it last a long time so I figured she'd do that again. Anyway, I found out on Thursday that she and her husband had left town Wednesday morning to return to Utah and go "back to drugs." I don't know what she did with all that food (sold it, probably). It's very disheartening to try to help someone and have them take advantage of your generosity. I don't even know if it's the food that's bothering me as much as the time, energy, emotion and support the bishop and I spent on her. I know these things happen and I have to try not to judge the next person who comes along by what the last person did, but it's easy to get jaded.

We went to a financial advisor here in Eugene last week to have him analyze our investments. He suggested some changes that would be safer for us and make more sense for our stage in life so we've decided to take his advice and also let him handle our investments from now on. Tom Mills was great but we need someone closer so we can sit down with them and discuss things from time to time.

I didn't make it to church today because I woke up feeling pretty sick to my stomach. Once in awhile I have had that happen since my surgery, usually because of something I ate the day before (it was probably that "Lemonade Pie"). Anyway, I haven't felt too good most of the day - maybe it's just all the Thanksgiving "extras" I've been eating. I have to get back to my normal diet again. What's weird is, I always lose more weight when I eat like this. Thankfully most of the "bad" leftovers are gone now. Don ate 1 1/2 of the 2 pumpkin pies I made single-handedly in 2 days. He's the one that should have the stomach ache.

I'm going to take pictures of my Christmas decorations to post soon.

Monday, November 24, 2008

Change of Plans

We've decided to have Thanksgiving at home after all. I was watching Food Network (a very bad idea late at night when I'm already hungry) and decided I wanted all the yummy Thanksgiving leftovers so we went out and bought a turkey and all the trimmings. Then we found out about a couple of single sisters who didn't have anywhere to go for Thanksgiving so we invited them over.

I was at church from 8:30 a.m. to 2:45 p.m. yesterday. Church then 3 meetings and choir practice. Long day, but the poor bishop still had hours to go before he got to go home and he'd been there hours before me so I shouldn't feel bad.

I finished my Christmas shopping Saturday. We cut way back this year and it's kind of hard not being able to buy everything I'd like to for my kids but they're old enough to understand and they're really not that demanding. I'm just used to being able to do more. My Christmas cards are finished and ready to go out and I'm pretty much on top of all the Relief Society end of year and holiday stuff (gifts for sisters, 2009 budget, 2008 RS history, orders for Bishop's night at DI, food orders for Thanksgiving, Enrichment dates for 2009, Dec. Enrichment Night, etc.). I'm feeling pretty organized at the moment but that could change quickly. I was going to start decorating for Christmas this early this week but since I'm having people over for Thanksgiving, I guess I'll wait til the day after.

I'm so happy that my favorite radio talk show host, Glenn Beck is moving to the 3-6 p.m. slot instead of 6-9 p.m. He was always getting preempted for stupid basketball or baseball and besides, I don't usually have time to listen in the evening.

Joshua and Lily came over Sat. night. I gave them all Joshua's old Christmas ornaments but I'm not sure Lily's going to want to use them. I think she may want to decorate in a more elegant way. Joshua gets one free night at his hotel a year so Lily spent the night in the jacuzzi suite last night - today is her birthday.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Giving Thanks

I've been thinking about all the things I have to be thankful for lately. Tis the season, I guess. I am so blessed with such a wonderful family, beautiful home, great friends, good health (except my shoulders), and most of all my testimony of the gospel of Jesus Christ. Being Relief Society President has really been a blessing because it has helped me appreciate all I have when I've seen so many with so little. It's also helped me be more compassionate and giving. With the tough economic times, we've decided to cut out some less essential expenses (Netflix, my nails, Glenn Beck insider subscription, etc.) and I was feeling pretty sorry for myself for having to sacrifice some things I really liked having, but I realize how blessed I really am and how much I take for granted most of the time. There are a lot of people in this area who are homeless, mentally-ill and/or drug-addicted and I feel so thankful that I don't have those problems.

We had the missionaries to dinner Friday night and I gave them some names of less-active sisters in our ward to go visit. They were anxious to get as many names as they could and I was glad to have them help. Already they have two sisters and their families they're teaching and working with - I'm so excited about that and so are they. They're giving me the credit but they're doing the work. We love having the missionaries over - they're so enthusiastic and fun and they actually like my food and think I'm a good cook - that's a first.

I went to physical therapy Friday and found out I have very little chest expansion when I breathe (which isn't good) and that I have some very tight muscles on my left side neck and upper back which may be affecting my shoulder. He worked on the muscles for awhile and will continue to each week when I go.

I had our Relief Society Book Club here Thursday night. We have so much fun - Don asked if we ever talk about the book - all he could hear was lots of laughing. I told him we talk about it a little but I have to admit that we mostly talk about other stuff and just have fun and eat goodies.
We're planning to go see the movie "Twilight" in December (after the crowds die down a little) instead of having a book club night in December.

I made Cider Pumpkin Bread last night from a recipe I had that sounded really good. I was going to serve it tonight for Empty Nesters Family Home Evening. It smelled really bad while it was cooking (bitter or something) and tasted the same. I guess it was the apple cider in it that made it taste so bad, so today I made some regular pumpkin bread which tastes great so I'll serve that with spiced cider tonight. Don't know what I'll do with that other bread - it looks good and is nice and moist, but just has a bad taste - what a shame!

Since Joshua's going to Lily's mom's for Thanksgiving and Jeremy's going to a friend's, Don and I are going to go out to eat. Probably to a great restaurant we went to for my birthday.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

End of busy weekend

Well, the election is over and although, most of the candidates and issues I voted for didn't win, I'm thankful for democracy and our right to vote and have our voices heard. Unlike some, I will do my best to support our new president and pray he is the kind of leader our country needs and will make the right decisions for our country. I think we need to continue to speak out for what we feel is right and against what we feel is wrong but hate and anger will get us nowhere. My biggest concern is that we stand fast and firm in defending our Constitution - the rights of free speech and to bear arms. I believe we need to continue to promote capitalism and not let our country slowly drift into a more socialistic form of government. These are vital to our nation's survival, so as I said, I'll pray fervently for our new president and other government leaders that they might be guided and directed by God.

Yesterday Don and I planned to meet Lily's mom and dad at Oregon Electric Station for lunch to discuss the upcoming wedding. Lily's dad wasn't able to make it so Lily's mom, Marilyn brought her friend instead. Turned out that Oregon Electric Station isn't open for lunch so we stood in the pouring rain trying to decide where to go. We decided to try Ambrosia (Italian restaurant). After we both drove there and paid for parking we discovered Ambrosia wasn't open for lunch either. Finally Don suggested Steelhouse Brewery (a sports bar and grill) so we went there. The food and atmosphere are great but a Ducks game was on so it was crowded and noisy - not that conducive to wedding planning. Don enjoyed it because he could completely ignore our conversation and just watch the game. Marilyn is very creative and talented and under Lily's direction has everything outlined for the wedding, reception and an evening party. I'll be a "worker bee" and help where I can but I don't think I have much to contribute creatively. Marilyn collects antiques and has an extensive collection of antique dishes and snack sets as well as silverware. We'll be using that for the wedding and I know she'll make it very elegant. I'm going to try to borrow tables and chairs from church (don't know if they'll let me, but I'm going to try) and I'm lending myself (from Relief Society) our nice white tablecloths that I would ordinarily not lend to anyone - I'm making an exception for me.

After a two hour lunch, we came home for a few hours then picked up a friend and met two more friends at The Shedd for dinner and a concert. We saw Ian Tyson (cowboy singer). He's a former folk singer and his songs still have a folk sound but cowboy lyrics. It was pleasant except he swore a little and had a couple of political opinions (which I didn't appreciate). His music was very enjoyable, though and it's always fun to be with friends.

Next week is crazy busy with RS Book Club here, physical therapy starting, a Missionary Zone Conference luncheon we're in charge of and we're having the missionaries to dinner the same night. Plus I have to start thinking about putting together our RS history for the year, finding out what I need to order from DI for Bishop's night and getting new conducting/teaching schedules planned for next year as well as finish preparing my RS lesson for December and getting gifts for the sisters. I'm getting them some kind of angel ornament (probably cookie cutters) because my lesson is entitled "The Errand of Angels." Lily's mom makes beeswax angel ornaments which sound like they're beautiful but they're $5 ea. and $200 for 40 just isn't in my RS budget - I wish it was.

I've been going through all my Christmas ornaments and sorting out all of Joshua's to give to him and Lily. I'm not sad to get rid of 11 or 12 basketball player ornaments and several football ones. They're welcome to them.

I bought a cute dress Friday - it was on sale and is the only wintery dress I have so far. I feel foolish wearing summery dresses to church in the cold winter rain but it's tough trying to get a new wardrobe for each season.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Shoulder surgery

Well, I went to the orthopedist for my follow-up today and I definitely need surgery on my right shoulder. I have a torn rotator cuff - the tendon is hanging by a thread. I'm waiting until the 7th of January to have it (wanted to be able to decorate for Christmas) - then 4 weeks in a sling and 6 months until full recovery with lots of physical therapy in between. That's going to be VERY hard! Don will have to do a lot for me and I'm sure he'll be sick of helping me by the time I'm well. I'm just hoping to be fully recovered by Joshua and Lily's wedding. My left shoulder will need surgery too, but the tendon is still OK so it can wait.

Went to Costco yesterday and Don bought me a new down jacket. I didn't have any warm jackets that fit me and I've been freezing - this one is nice and cozy and it was a good price.

Milo had a little outdoor adventure the other day. I guess he got out and we didn't know it - we thought he'd gone back into the garage. By the time we discovered he was out, he'd been out all night and he didn't come back until later the next day. We were pretty worried for awhile because we looked everywhere and called him but couldn't find him. Don finally opened the garage door and eventually he wandered back in.

Eugene is an interesting town. The other day I was driving by the library when I heard people yelling and saw them pointing. When I looked to see what they were yelling about and where they were pointing, I saw a guy riding a bike with no pants on. What more can I say about that?

I'm posting pictures of some of my fall decorations, my Gingerbread Pumpkin Trifle and our view this time of year.

Here's the recipe for the trifle:

Pumpkin layer

1 box instant vanilla pudding (made as directed) - large box if your bowl is big
1 can pumpkin - large can if you use large box of pudding
1 tsp. cardomom or cinnamon

1 - 2 boxes gingerbread mix (made as directed) - use 2 boxes if using large bowl

whipped cream

Layer crumbled (large pieces) gingerbread, pumpkin mix, whipped cream - repeat. Top with crushed gingersnaps.

The missionaries and our other guests loved this trifle the other night.

Joshua and Lily

Joshua and Lily
Joshua and Lily on the Oregon coast

South Falls

South Falls
South Falls at Silver Falls State Park


Don relaxing at our cabin at Silver Falls State Park, Sept. '08