Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Joshua's Wedding

I had lunch with Lily's mom last week (we ate at the new hospital's cafe which is pretty fancy, has great food and overlooks the river) and we discussed a lot of the details of Joshua and Lily's wedding. It's getting exciting now that I know more about their plans. It's going to be a lot more casual than what I was expecting but I think it will be perfect for them. We talked about the food but that could change a little. Anyway, it'll be relaxed and fun, I think. Marilyn (Lily's mom) said she'll probably wear a sundress and sandals (that's how casual it'll be) so I'm going to look for a cute sundress for me too. Tonight I'm going up to the church to count and measure tablecloths that I'll be borrowing for the wedding. We have tons of them so I have to sort sizes and see which ones have stains, etc. This is a good excuse to organize them.

We had the 3 missionaries to dinner last night along with one of their investigators and her fellowshipper. Dinner was great (I made chicken corn chowder, salad and biscuits with apple raspberry pie for dessert) but the missionaries wanted to teach the investigator some gospel principles after dinner. This investigator is a young woman of about 30 who is bi-polar and has Asperger's Syndrome, A.D.D., anxiety disorder and a couple of other mental illnesses I'm not familiar with. She also intimated that she's suffered some pretty severe trauma or abuse and is dealing with memories she wants gone. Anyway, the lesson didn't go very well. Her responses were inappropriate to the discussion and it was obvious she has some pretty serious problems. I know the missionaries are trying so hard, but they've already got a baptism date for this investigator and I think they need to slow down and take their time with her - she doesn't even believe in the atonement really (and that is crucial, I think). She does say she wants to be baptized, but I'm just not sure she's close to ready yet.

Don's birthday was last Friday - he turned 69! We went to dinner at Red Robin and then to a movie (Taken) which was good. We got a treadmill for his birthday present but I'm using it too. I'm up to 50 minutes on it at a pretty good pace. By next week I'll be doing an hour a day. He's a lot slower and can't go too long yet, but he's working his way up. We both need the exercise. Joshua was over Sunday for the Super Bowl and then came over again on Monday because he wasn't feeling well and Lily and her mom were cleaning the apartment and he needed to rest. I'm afraid he's got the flu. It was nice to see him 2 days in a row, though. We don't see much of him anymore.

Heather got the keys to her new house today. She's so excited. She called last night but we couldn't talk long because the missionaries were here. They're waiting a month to move in so they can paint and do some work on it. I'm really happy for them. Buying a home is exciting and your first home is really exciting. Jennifer has lost 85 lbs. now. She looks wonderful in the pictures we've seen of her.

That's it for now. Next post I'll try to have pictures of us. Hayley has asked for some and I guess I should take more "people pictures."

1 comment:

Hayley Winslow said...

I'd love that! Thanks favorite Aunt!

Joshua and Lily

Joshua and Lily
Joshua and Lily on the Oregon coast

South Falls

South Falls
South Falls at Silver Falls State Park


Don relaxing at our cabin at Silver Falls State Park, Sept. '08