Well, like a dummy, I thought I might be able to get down the hill to the store today. I think I might need a mental health check-up because it snowed again last night and looked worse than ever. But here was my reasoning: I thought the underneath part had melted and it wouldn't be too bad to drive in fresh snow. OK, that was super dumb. I actually made it out of our development and a short way down the hill. I was planning on going straight down the hill instead of turning and going down our usual route (there are two routes and I thought the straight one might be less steep). Well, my car decided to slide and turn at the corner of the usual route so I headed that way. Just as the hill started getting steeper I started sliding again and this time ended up facing back up the hill. I saw another car putting chains on just below me. I figured out at that point I'd be lucky to just get back home and a snow plow coming up the hill pointed me to another road next to me that had been plowed and sanded. So after much slipping and sliding I finally got onto that road and it was fine until I got to the place they'd stopped plowing, but to get back home that way I had to keep going. It was soooo scary. I got to a place that curved while going downhill and I just kept sliding. Little by little I tried to control the slide around the curve and down the hill and then back up to our street. Getting back into our garage was very hair-raising but miraculously I made it all the way back without an accident. I'm not going out again until the spring thaw (which I hope is next week). Don, to his credit didn't say "I told you so" even though he had. As soon as we can get out I'm making Don buy chains.
I guess we probably won't make it to church Sunday which is a shame. The Sunday before Christmas is always my favorite Sunday of the year. The choir has practiced for weeks and every voice is needed. Maybe they'll have to cancel church, we'll have to just wait and see. The weather report looks like we'll get a little break sometime next week. I hope things start to warm-up by Christmas Eve so the kids can come and so Don's kids can come the day after (which is the plan right now). Can't count on it, though. On the plus side, it's really beautiful outside. Very picturesque!
The Magical Tears
7 years ago
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